Bathhouse at Fenwick Island State Park in 2017

Fenwick Island - Proposed Improvements

Fenwick Island Proposed Improvement Background

In the early summer of 2019, DNREC’s Division of Parks and Recreation was approached by Ørsted regarding a proposal to work with the Division on a potential landing site for the Skipjack Windfarm planned off the coast of Fenwick Island State Park. The proposed wind farm itself is authorized by the state of Maryland, but an interconnection is proposed to be located in Delaware. DNREC established a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in July 2019 to begin to evaluate the feasibility of a proposed partnership project. The MOU is considered best practice in governing that acts as a declaration of the partners interest and roles. In the MOU between DNREC and Ørsted, the terms included the conceptual development of an interconnection facility and park amenity upgrades, with renderings to allow DNREC to garner public input regarding the proposed park improvements. The MOU is not a legally binding document that would require DNREC to move forward on the project. If the project is determined to move forward, detailed planning and all associated permitting would be required.

In October 2019, the Division of Parks and Recreation (Division) shared a conceptual proposal of amenities at Fenwick Island State Park to address safety concerns with traffic, infrastructure, one entrance, visitors crossing Route 1, and capacity. In doing so, the Division also identified potential ideas for added amenities for the public to provide comments and recommendations. From October 2, 2019 to January 15, 2020, the Division utilized an online survey to capture public comments regarding the proposed improvements at Fenwick Island State Park.

For information about the Fenwick Island State Park Proposed Improvements Survey Responses, frequently asked questions and additional information regarding DNREC’s authority with offshore alternative energy, and project timeline please visit the below links.

For more information about the Skipjack Wind Farm, including frequently asked questions, visit For additional information on the federal approval process through BOEM, visit